Euna Wilson, age 49, residing at 1 Johnson Dr., Stony Point, NY, was arrested on July 6 for obstruction of government admin in the second degree and conspiracy in the sixth degree. listed charges. The defendant was arrested following an accident investigation which later led to a criminal investigation. The defendant did conspire with her son in an attempt to “cover up” his involvement in a leaving the scene property damage motor vehicle accident. In doing so, she did obstruct said accident investigation. The defendant was arrested, processed and released on an appearance ticket
Matthew Pinnock, age 20, residing at 8 Rakentine Pl., Garnerville, NY, was arrested on July 6 for obstruction of government admin in the second degree, conspiracy in the sixth degree, criminal contempt in the second degree and leaving the scene of a motor vehicle accident. listed charges. The defendant was arrested following an accident investigation. The defendant did leave the scene of a property damage motor vehicle accident and conspired with another, his mother, in attempt to avoid his involvement in said accident. In doing so, he did obstruct the administration of an accident investigation. The defendant arrested, processed and arraigned. He was released on $1,000 cash bail.