On September 9, 2013 at approximately 12:30 p.m. Jermaine Roberts, 34, from Haverstraw, NY was arrested by Clarkstown Police Dept. on drug charges and criminal possession of a weapon.
Police had received information that Roberts was staying at the Nyack Motor Lodge (110 N. Rt 303, West Nyack) in room # 158 and had an active parole and arrest warrant for his arrest. Roberts’ room was contacted via telephone at which time he fled the room on foot running towards a wooded area.
A police canine was on scene and after several verbal commands to stop running the canine was released and apprehended Roberts. Roberts sustained an injury to the calf region and was treated at Nyack Hospital.
Recovered at the scene was a Smith & Wesson S500 .50 caliber revolver, and the following drugs: cocaine, heroin, and marijuana. The revolver was also determined to be stolen from a burglary in Vermont. Roberts was charged with the following felonies: criminal possession of a weapon 3rd, criminal possession stolen property 4th, criminal possession of a controlled substance in the 2nd, two counts of criminal possession of a controlled substance in the 3rd, and resisting arrest (misdemeanor).