A driving while intoxicated safety checkpoint was established on Rt 59 in the vicinity of Crosfield Avenue late Friday evening, December 13, 2013. The following arrests were made:
Roberta Mendez, 53, from Ridgefield, NJ was arrested at approximately 11:40 PM as she drove westbound on RT 59 in a 2006 Infinity. Mendez submitted to field sobriety tests which she failed and was placed under arrest. A breathalyzer test was administered to Mendez, which she also failed. Mendez was issued an appearance ticket returnable to Clarkstown Justice Court on January 13, 2014 to answer 2 counts of driving while intoxicated (misdemeanor). No photo available.
Lynn Rawdon, 51, from Congers, NY was arrested at approximately 2:20 AM on December 14, 2013 as she was driving a 2001 Nissan on Rt 59 in West Nyack. Rawdon submitted to field sobriety tests which she failed and was placed under arrest. A breathalyzer test was administered to Rawdon, which she also failed. Rawdon was issued an appearance ticket returnable to Clarkstown Justice Court on December 18, 2013 to answer driving with a blood alcohol concentration greater than .18 and driving while intoxicated, both misdemeanors. No photo avail.