Michael Coyle, the out-of-control drunk driver who severely injured Alysoun Sherwood, daughter of former Stony Point supervisor and state Supreme Court justice William Sherwood, last February, was sentenced this week to 3 1/3 to 10 years in prison for causing the devastating accident. He pled guilty to aggravated vehicular assault in the first degree, to be served concurrently with a one year sentence for DWI.
Police said that on February 22, 2013 Coyle was driving on Route 9W in Stony Point well above the speed limit, when he crossed a double yellow line and plowed head-on into Sherwood’s car, causing life-threatening injuries. Coyle’s blood alcohol level registered at 0.18%.
Coyle had a previous conviction for DWI in the last 10 years, making the second offense an automatic felony. His prior offense took place 2012 in the Town of Clarkstown.
Acting Supreme Court Justice Gerald E. Loehr heard the case and received the plea on March 4, 2014.
John P. Coyle, a 55-year-old family member listed at the same address of residence as Michael Coyle, 156 N. Liberty Circle in Stony Point, was also recently arrested for DWI. On December 1, 2013 he was arrested after refusing a breath test and numerous vehicle and traffic offenses. Stony Point Police had received a complaint of an erratic operator.