The ongoing saga between neighbors Marge Fonseca and Todd Pezzementi on Lindbergh Road in Stony Point took an unexpected turn this week, as Stony Point Justice Frank Phillips sent Todd’s father Dominic to the slammer due to his son’s refusal to cease commercial activity on the property and non-payment of a fine the town had levied.
Though Todd Pezzementi operates commercial activities related to Northern Tree Services on the residential-zoned property, the property is actually owned by his father Dominic. Next door neighbor Marge Fonseca has complained over the past two years that the activity on the property had become a nuisance.
The town ruled that Pezzementi needed to cease commercial activities and also fined him, but he has yet to comply. At one point Todd Pezzementi had been arrested for alleged “criminal mischief” against the Fonsecas, but the case was thrown out due to an evidentiary error by the District Attorney’s Office.
The newspaper has yet to confirm what charges Dominic Pezzementi might face, how long he spent in jail and what his bail was set at. Numerous sources, however, have confirmed the fact he was indeed sent to jail by Judge Phillips.