NYACK- Known violent felon and reputed gang member Gregory Dubuisson, 30, Nyack allegedly robbed a female victim after physical attacking her right outside Nyack Hospital on a sunny May 2 afternoon around 1:30 p.m.
Dubuisson allegedly chased the victim up a hill, struck her, and took her property without permission. Then Dubuisson proceeded to state according to statement made by victim, “Look what I have, I got your key now,” referring to the key for her vehicle. Dubuisson is alleged to have absconded with her cellphone, and other miscellaneous property.
He reportedly smashed her phone to the ground as he took off in a southern direction.
Afterward the victim flagged down a family driving an SUV and had a driver contact 911 for her. Dubuisson was detained at Catherine and Midland and upon investigation Orangetown Police Dept. determined Dubuisson was in possession of the victim’s cell phone.
The OPD was unable to recoup victims single key and other personal items after an intensive search. The victim was unable to remove vehicle from scene and paid for a tow company to retrieve her car.
Dubuisson was seen on an emergency basis by Judge Knobles in Nyack Justice Court and was formally charged with third degree robbery, third degree criminal mischief, and petit larceny. Dubuisson ould not make bail and was remanded to Rockland County Jail.
Dubuisson was also the main suspect in a stabbing last year along with a Nyack parking attendant at the time, Kenneth Byre. Due to victim refusal to sign testimony both Dubuisson and Kenneth Brye were released from Rockland County Jail without a trial and all charges were dropped.
Dubuisson has a history of arrests in Manhattan, Clarkstown, and his town of residence, Orangetown. Dubuisson also considers himself to be a rapper, posting various Youtube videos under the street-name of “Fire.”
Victim was seen by South Orangetown Ambulance at the scene and is reported to be okay.