It must have been a lot of ecstasy Peter Milshtein was caught with this weekend, as he was charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance in the first degree, a Class A-I felony, following a routine traffic stop by state police Sunday, May 15.

Possession of more than eight ounces of the “love drug” MDMA is treated as a Class A-I felony, the most severe category of criminal offense.
Eight ounces of MDMA, the minimum amount required to earn the A-1 felony rap Milshtein was slapped with, would be enough to supply approximately 2,250 doses (100mg) of the drug. Media reports say the drug sells from $10 – $40 per dose, so Milshtein was allegedly in possession of a minimum of $22,500 worth of the drug. Police have not revealed the exact amount of MDMA allegedly found in Milshtein’s possession.
In order to earn a Class A-I felony, the same felony level as first and second degree murder, a defendant must be in possession of over half a pound of a Schedule 1 controlled substance. The cops said he was found to be in the possession of the party drug MDMA, also known as ecstasy or molly.
The 44-year-old New City man was charged by State Police with the first degree possession charge, as well as criminal possession of a controlled substance in the seventh degree (for xanax pills allegedly found in his possession), unlawful possession of marijuana and aggravated unlicensed operation of a vehicle.
Police have not revealed the exact amount of MDMA the defendant allegedly was found with at the traffic stop. Milshtein was arraigned on Sunday in Clarkstown Court and remanded to Rockland County Jail without bail.
According to the NY penal code, Milshtein’s drug charges are considered more serious than first degree rape, which is a Class B felony, and even worse than predatory sexual assault, which is the rape of a child. Rape of a child is classified as a Class A-II felony.
If convicted of the first degree possession charges Milshtein faces 15-25 years in jail.