Grieving family members gathered at the spot where a killer took the life of an aspiring musician. Sharon Seward and her son, Tyriiq, moved to South Carolina over a year ago, returning to their hometown of Spring Valley so the young man could make a music video. He never made it to the recording studio. On May 31 shortly after 10:00PM, an unknown assailant gunned down the 19-year-oldon a quiet stretch of Rose Avenue. A Town of Ramapo police officer on patrol heard the gunfire, calledfor backup and responded. Police found Tyriiq Seward fatally wounded after being shot multiple times. He died at the scene.
“He was a great kid and always was looking out for his mom,” said Seward’s cousin, Latanya Watkins.
“He was a son, brother, uncle, nephew, basketball player and musician. We are in so much pain.”
Friends, family and caring neighbors have been coming to the site where Seward was gunned down to memorialize the aspiring singer. Dozens of candles, along with flowers, balloons and basketballs were lovingly placed on the spot where he died. More than a dozen family members were on hand when the young man’s mother was brought to the scene of the memorial. Mrs. Seward was hospitalized after her child’s senseless killing and was brought directly from the hospital to the scene of the crime.
Choking through tears, Mrs. Seward said, “My son was the most amazing kid—he took care of me and always expressed his love. We came up here so he could make a music video. How could this happen?”
Supported by family members, she pleaded for help. “Please, anyone who knows anything about my son’s murder, be real, please…please inform the police. My son deserves justice. Please help us. Please keep our family in your prayers. I never wish this pain on anyone.”
A Go Fund Me page raised more than $11,000 for the Seward family that will help cover final expenses.
“We are blessed to have wonderful neighbors,” said Watkins.” Funeral services for Tyriiq Seward will be held on Wednesday, June 9 at First Timothy Christian Church, located at 198 North Main Street in Spring Valley beginning at 11:00a.m.
As yet, there have been no arrests. Anyone with information is urged to contact the Spring Valley PoliceDepartment at 845-356-7400. All calls will be kept strictly confidential.
The post A Family Mourns in Spring Valley first appeared on The Rockland County Times.